AICIPI SEMINARS: 18 – 19 May 2022 “Decrypting The New Digital Assets: NFTs and the IP Surroundings” REGISTRATIONS ARE NOW OPEN

Is the word BLOCKCHAIN giving you troubles?
How about NFT? And how about NFT and IP rights?

AICIPI is proposing two interlinked, comprehensive and practical seminars aiming at ease the understanding of the new METAVERSE world:  “Decrypting the new Digital Assets: NFTs and the IP surroundings”.

Join us to the two separated but connected and interactive sessions planned for May 18 and May 19 from 2PM to 6PM, dedicated respectively to understanding NFTs from a technical point of view and its IP implications.


The convergence of blockchain technology and intellectual property through a non-fungible token (“NFT”) is having a mainstream moment.

From the basics of blockchain to its intersection with the IP rights without overlooking the environmental implications, these seminars want to provide an overview of the various approaches to intellectual property rights taken by some popular NFT projects and the resulting commercial rights and benefits afforded to purchasers and creators.

In particular, the webinar scheduled for May 18, 2022 from 2PM to 6PM, with the support of a prestigious panel of Italian technical and legal experts will make understandable how creative works become tied to NFTs, how an NFT works, how NFTs become so valuable, what are the smart contract functionalities and the implications for sustainability strategies. More details available to the following LINK

This webinar will be held in Italian language via Microsoft Teams. Registration Form for the event of May 18, 2022 is available HERE.

The seminar scheduled for May 19, 2022 from 2PM to 6PM, with the support of an international panel of lawyers from USA, Germany and Italy, in a roundtable discussion, will deal with the connections between the ability for NFT purchasers and creators to leverage and commercialize their NFTs and the ownership of the IP rights. Inspired by popular NFT projects, the panel will explore limitations on how a buyer may commercialize NFT assets, limits on the rights of creation of derivative works and/or how to pay royalties to the NFT creators, including limits on revenues. An overview to the inevitable risk of misuse of a business’ or brand owner’s intellectual property and how to defend the IP value will close this second day of discussion. More details available to the following LINK

This seminar will be held in English language both via Microsoft Teams and in presence at BIANCA MARIA PALACE HOTEL Viale Bianca Maria, 4 Milano (60 seats only). Registration Form for the vent of May 19, 2022 is available HERE

Each seminar entitles to the acquisition of 4 credits useful to the continuing education program of Italian Industrial Property Consultants for a total of 8 credits for those who will attend both days.

Participation is free and registration for both events will be possible from May 10, 2022 to May 17, 2022.

Looking forward to seeing you!



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